Tag Archives: dev patel

The Last Airbender may not be M.Night’s fault after all.

If M. Night Shyamalan’s The Last Airbender is famous for anything, it’s for being an absolutely disaster. Fans of the animated series were over the moon with anticipation for the film, but now it stands as one of the most reviled big budget blockbusters of the modern era. Usually you can trace a disaster of this proportion to some bad mojo going on behind the scenes, and if a recently unearthed message board post is to be believed, then The Last Airbender is no exception to that.

This story comes to us from a fan message board called AvatarSpirit.net, where a user claiming to have behind the scenes knowledge about Shyamalan’s film has spilled the beans on some very dark, corporate details about the production. The user’s story begins by saying that things were all well and good in the first draft of the screenplay (penned by the director), but that the shit hit the fan once the producers got their teeth into it.

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